Estra Shareholders Approve Company’s Stock-Exchange Listing.

Estra’s Shareholders’ Meeting

29 agosto 2017

Estra’s Shareholders’ Meeting (Coingas di Arezzo, Consiag di Prato and Intesa di Siena) approved the process which will clear the way for Estra’s stock-exchange listing. The shareholders agreed that the listing must be based on the following principles: - transparency, openness and fairness; - aspiration for excellence and attention to local areas; - adherence to best market practices; - majority state ownership The definitive structure of the offer will be later agreed upon following Multiservizi di Ancona’s investment in Estra’s capital. This fundamental deed for Estra’s future is further evidence, after the reconfirmation from the Board of Directors on 20 July 2017, of shareholder cohesion and the desire to strengthen Estra’s national role, to increase the quantity and quality of services to citizens and companies, and contribute to the most comprehensive economic and social development in the areas in which it operates.

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