ESTRA presented its request today for admission of its ordinary shares for trading on Borsa Italiana's Main Market (MTA).

22 marzo 2018

Estra S.p.A. today presented its request to Borsa Italiana S.p.A. for admission of its ordinary shares for trading on the Main Market (MTA), organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and, if the requirements are met, in the STAR segment. Estra had already presented a request for authorisation to publish its prospectus to Consob, on 12 March. The operation involves an indistinct offering to the general public in Italy and institutional placement reserved for qualified investors in Italy and institutional investors abroad. The Global Coordinators for the Global Offer are Banca IMI (Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo), BNP Paribas and UniCredit Corporate & Investment Banking, which holds the role of Placement Manager. Banca IMI also holds the role of Sponsor. Kon Group is the Company's business and financial advisor for the listing. Estra has hired White & Case LLP as legal consultant, while Shearman & Sterling LLP is serving as the legal consultant for the Global Coordinators. The legal consultants for the selling shareholders are Studio Merusi (for Intesa), Studio Olivetti Rason (for Coingas) and Commercialista Parenti (for Consiag). EY S.p.A. is responsible for auditing. NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO OR FROM THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN OR ANY JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO WOULD CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT LAWS OF SUCH JURISDICTION Disclaimer This communication does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities, nor shall there be any sale of the securities in the United States or any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, or sale is unlawful. The securities have not been and will not be registered pursuant to the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) (the “Securities Act”). The securities herein have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. Copies of this announcement will not be prepared, nor may they be distributed or forwarded, in the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan.

The Estra Group is among Central Italy’s leading companies in the distribution and sale of natural gas and electricity sales sector and was established in 2010 through the combination of three Tuscan multi-utility companies with public capital (Consiag S.p.A., Intesa S.p.A. and Coingas S.p.A.). At the end of 2017, Multiservizi S.p.A. di Ancona, a public multi-utility company, became part of Estra’s shareholding structure. 141 municipalities in the provinces of Ancona, Arezzo, Florence, Grosseto, Macerata, Pistoia, Prato and Siena are therefore indirect shareholders of Estra. The Estra Group operates through its subsidiaries, joint ventures and related companies mainly in Tuscany, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania and Calabria and is active in the distribution, sale and supply of natural gas, in the distribution and sale of LPG and in the sale and supply of electricity. In addition, it operates in telecommunications, in the planning and management of energy services and in renewable energy production.

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